As one of the leading market suppliers in Europe, we offer you a complete and unique range of indoor and outdoor luminaires for living areas and gardens.
Living room lights from Brilliant Interior lights for your home. Every room deserves the perfect lighting - and it can be very different. From the rather functional light in the kitchen or the office, to the decorative lighting fixture with atmospheric light in the...
Outdoor lighting from Brilliant Outdoor lighting for home and garden. The reliable companion when coming home, a cozy light for a summer evening in the garden - outdoor lighting can be so many things. Our range for outdoor lighting offers you a...
Inspiring trend themes Browse through the different concepts and find the perfect lighting for your home. From modern and technical lights to simple products to special materials or fancy vintage lights, you will find simply everything in our assortment.
Du suchst nach einer stilvollen und funktionalen Stehleuchte für Dein Zuhause? Dann ist die Cadiz Stehleuchte genau das Richtige für Dich! Diese elegante Leuchte kombiniert modernes Design mit praktischen Vorteilen und passt perfekt in jedes zeitgemäße Interieur. Die zwei schwenkbaren Leuchtenköpfe in modernem, bronze gebürstetem Finish verleihen Deinem Raum eine besondere Note und sorgen gleichzeitig für eine optimale Lichtverteilung. Ob im Wohnzimmer, Schlafzimmer oder Büro - die Cadiz Stehleuchte setzt überall stilvolle Akzente.Die Cadiz Stehleuchte wird mit zwei dimmbaren GU10 Leuchtmitteln geliefert, die Dir eine flexible Lichtsteuerung ermöglichen. Mit 5W Leistung pro Leuchtmittel, 350 Lumen und einer Farbtemperatur von 3000K bietet die Leuchte ein angenehmes, warmweißes Licht, das für eine gemütliche Atmosphäre sorgt. Der integrierte Diffusor sorgt dafür, dass das Licht gleichmäßig verteilt wird und nicht blendet, was für eine angenehme Beleuchtung sorgt und Deine Augen schont.Die Montage der Cadiz Stehleuchte ist einfach und schnell erledigt. Dank des durchdachten Designs lässt sich die Leuchte problemlos aufstellen und die Leuchtenköpfe in die gewünschte Position drehen. So kannst Du das Licht genau dort hinlenken, wo Du es benötigst. Die stabile Basis sorgt für einen sicheren Stand und verhindert ein Umkippen der Leuchte.Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die Cadiz Stehleuchte eine hervorragende Wahl für alle ist, die auf der Suche nach einer modernen, energieeffizienten und einfach zu installierenden Beleuchtungslösung sind. Sie kombiniert Stil und Funktionalität auf perfekte Weise und wird Dein Zuhause in ein neues Licht tauchen. Warte nicht länger und bringe mit der Cadiz Stehleuchte frischen Wind in Deine vier Wände!
Die Castro Stehleuchte ist die perfekte Wahl für alle, die eine elegante und funktionale Beleuchtungslösung suchen. Mit ihrer beeindruckenden Höhe von 140 cm setzt diese Leuchte stilvolle Akzente in jedem Raum. Das schwarze Metallgestell verleiht ihr eine moderne Note, während die bernsteinfarbenen, geriffelten Gläser einen Hauch von Vintage-Charme hinzufügen.Diese Stehleuchte ist mit einer E27-Fassung ausgestattet, die dir die Freiheit gibt, ein Leuchtmittel deiner Wahl zu verwenden. So kannst du die Lichtintensität und -farbe ganz nach deinen persönlichen Vorlieben gestalten. Bitte beachte, dass das Leuchtmittel nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten ist.Ein praktisches Detail der Castro Stehleuchte ist das 180 cm lange Kabel, das dir flexible Platzierungsmöglichkeiten bietet. Der integrierte Fußschalter sorgt für eine einfache Bedienung, sodass du die Leuchte bequem ein- und ausschalten kannst.Die Kombination aus schwarzem Metall und bernsteinfarbenem Glas macht die Castro Stehleuchte zu einem echten Hingucker, der sowohl in modernen als auch in klassischen Einrichtungsstilen bestens zur Geltung kommt. Ob im Wohnzimmer, Schlafzimmer oder Büro - diese Leuchte sorgt überall für eine angenehme und stilvolle Beleuchtung.
Die Stehleuchte Marty vereint modernes Design mit funktionaler Beleuchtung und verleiht deinem Zuhause einen luxuriösen, zeitgemäßen Look. Die Leuchte ist aus hochwertigem Aluminium gefertigt und in elegantem Schwarz gehalten. Der schwenkbare Kopf ermöglicht es, das Licht gezielt zu lenken, während der Fußschalter eine bequeme Bedienung gewährleistet. Ausgestattet mit einer GU10-Fassung bietet sie dir Flexibilität bei der Wahl des Leuchtmittels. Ganz gleich, ob du warmes, behagliches Licht für entspannte Abende bevorzugst oder helles Licht für detailgenaue Aufgaben benötigst, du hast die freie Auswahl. Die Leseleuchte wird mit einem Leuchtmittel geliefert, das warmweißes Licht mit einer Helligkeit von 350 Lumen erzeugt und zu einer einladenden Atmosphäre beiträgt. Mit ihrem ansprechenden Design und der hochwertigen Verarbeitung fügt sich die Stehlampe Marty harmonisch in verschiedenste Raumkonzepte ein und setzt einen stilvollen Akzent, wo immer sie platziert wird.
Die Stehleuchte Marty vereint modernes Design mit funktionaler Beleuchtung, um deinem Zuhause einen modern luxuriösen Look zu verleihen. Aus Aluminium hergestellt, ist das Gestell in Schwarz und der Schirm goldfarben gehalten. Der schwenkbare Kopf ermöglicht es, das Licht gezielt zu lenken, während der Fußschalter eine bequeme Bedienung gewährleistet. Ausgestattet mit einer GU10-Fassung, bietet sie Flexibilität bei der Wahl des Leuchtmittels. Ganz gleich, ob du warmes, behagliches Licht für entspannte Abende bevorzugst oder helles Licht für detailgenaue Aufgaben benötigst, du hast die freie Auswahl. Die Stehleuchte wird mit einem Leuchtmittel geliefert, das warmweißes Licht mit einer Helligkeit von 350 Lumen erzeugt. Dieses trägt zu einer einladenden Atmosphäre bei. Mit ihrem ansprechenden Design und der hochwertigen Verarbeitung fügt sich diese Leuchte harmonisch in verschiedenste Raumkonzepte ein und setzt einen stilvollen Akzent, wo immer sie platziert wird.
Decorative and practical, the Weald reading lamp is a beautiful addition to your living space. It can be used for reading or as background lighting. The processing of the material wood creates an attractive combination of nature and technology.Bulbs are not included in the scope of delivery. The luminaire is designed for the use of standard lamps. LED lamps can be used without any problems. The lamp is equipped with a foot switch. The floor lamp has a supply line of about 1.8 metres in length.
Perfect next to or behind a couch, the Erena luminaire is suitable as reading lighting. Not only practical, also suitable for decorative purposes, the reading lamp can also be used for cosy background lighting. The light colouring gives a feeling of lightness. The classic design fuses harmoniously with natural elements. Soft Interieur also stands for soft colour tones and stems from the trend of "slow movement". Bring the refreshing feeling of spring into your home with luminaires from this concept. The new interpretation of the oldest material, wood, creates a homely atmosphere through natural design.The luminaire is suitable for use with standard lamps. No illuminants are included in the scope of delivery. However, the use of LED lamps is possible. The foot switch enables effortless switching of the reading lamp. The area to be illuminated can be flexibly adjusted by the head. The supply cable is approx. 1.8 metres long.
The Erena luminaire by no means only serves the purpose of reading lighting. It also cuts a fine figure in decorative backlighting. The light colour scheme gives a feeling of lightness. The classic design fuses harmoniously with natural elements. Soft Interieur also stands for soft colour tones and stems from the trend of "slow movement". Bring the refreshing feeling of spring into your home with luminaires from this concept. The use of wood as a material creates an exciting combination of nature and functionality. The area to be illuminated can be individually adjusted by means of the head.Designed for standard lamps, however, no illuminants are included in the scope of delivery. Energy-saving LED lamps can also be used. Reading lamp has a foot switch. The length of the supply cable is 1.8 metres.
Decorative and practical, the Erena reading lamp is a beautiful addition to your living space. It can be used as lighting for reading or as background lighting. The light colouring gives a feeling of lightness. The classic design fuses harmoniously with natural elements. Soft Interieur also stands for soft colour tones and stems from the trend of "slow movement". Bring the refreshing feeling of spring into your home with luminaires from this concept. The use of wood as a material creates an attractive combination of nature and functionality.Designed for standard lamps, however, no light sources are included in the scope of delivery. However, the use of LED lamps is possible. The foot switch allows convenient switching of the reading lamp. The area to be illuminated can be individually adjusted through the head. The length of the connecting cable is 1.8 metres.
The Erena luminaire by no means only serves the purpose of reading lighting. It also cuts a fine figure in decorative backlighting. The light colour scheme gives a feeling of lightness. The classic design fuses harmoniously with natural elements. Soft Interieur also stands for soft colour tones and stems from the trend of "slow movement". Bring the refreshing feeling of spring into your home with luminaires from this concept. The use of wood as a material creates an exciting combination of nature and functionality. The area to be illuminated can be individually adjusted by means of the head.Designed for standard lamps, however, no illuminants are included in the scope of delivery. Energy-saving LED lamps can also be used. Reading lamp has a foot switch. The length of the supply cable is 1.8 metres.
We present to you Avia. The natural design is created through the use of wood as a material. The wood used comes from sustainable forestry and is FSC certified. This means that the forests from which the processed wood comes are managed more responsibly. Great importance is attached to environmental protection, the preservation of biodiversity and safe working conditions. The foot switch allows for convenient switching.
The Blacky floor lamp also makes an inviting impression in your living room. As additional or accent lighting, it also creates atmospheric lighting in bedrooms and dining rooms. This floor lamp combines nostalgic and modern elements to create a contemporary living style. "Neo Retro" is the name of the trend that describes the combination of retro and modern design elements.No illuminants are included in the scope of delivery. The luminaire is designed for the use of drop lamps. LED lamps can be used without any problems. The floor lamp can be easily switched on and off with the foot switch. The supply cable is approx. 0 metres long.
Ideal next to or behind a couch, the Plow luminaire is suitable as reading light. Not only practical, but also suitable for decorative purposes, the reading lamp can also be used for cosy background lighting. The natural design is created by the use of wood as a material. The wood used comes from sustainable forestry and is FSC certified. This means that the forests from which the processed wood comes are managed more responsibly. Great importance is attached to environmental protection, the preservation of biodiversity and safe working conditions. The luminaire is designed for the use of standard lamps. Bulbs are not included in the scope of delivery. LED lamps can be used without any problems. Reading light can be adjusted effortlessly with the foot switch. The area to be illuminated can be individually adjusted by means of the heads. Reading lamp includes a supply cable of about 2.1 metres in length.
The Goldy luminaire is ideal as reading light next to or behind the armchair. Not only practical, but also suitable for decorative purposes, the reading lamp can also be used for cosy background lighting. Reading lamp combines nostalgic and trendy elements to create a contemporary living style. "Neo Retro" is the name of the trend that describes the combination of retro and modern design elements. The area to be illuminated can be individually adjusted thanks to the head.Illuminants are not included in the scope of delivery. The luminaire is designed for the use of standard lamps. Environmentally friendly LED lamps can also be used. The lamp is equipped with a foot switch. The reading lamp has a supply line of about 1.8 metres in length.
Ideal next to or behind the armchair, the Lea LED lamp is suitable as reading lighting. Not only practical, also suitable for decorative purposes, the reading lamp can also be used for cosy background lighting.This luminaire is equipped with energy-saving and long-lasting LED technology. Reading lamp radiates homely, warm white light into the room and gives it a cosy flair. The foot switch allows for convenient switching of the reading lamp. The area to be illuminated can be flexibly adjusted by the heads.
Decorative and practical, the Philo reading lamp is a beautiful addition to your living space. It can be used for reading or as background lighting. Thanks to the use of LED technology, the lamp is energy-saving and durable at the same time. The light shines warm white, which is always a good choice in all areas where living is concerned, because it looks warm and cosy. The toggle switch allows for easy switching reading lamp.
Ideal next to or behind the armchair, the Philo LED luminaire is suitable as reading lighting. Not only practical, also suitable for decorative purposes, the reading light can also be used for cosy background lighting. LED technology makes this luminaire durable and energy-saving. Reading luminaire radiates homely, warm white light into the room and gives it a cosy flair. The reading light can be conveniently switched on and off with the toggle switch.
The Carlyn luminaire by no means only serves the purpose of reading lighting. It also cuts a fine figure in decorative backlighting. The use of wood as a material creates an attractive combination of nature and functionality. The first-class processed textiles provide for a warm lighting design. The simple design stands for cosiness and harmony and suits every living ambience.Illuminants are not included in the scope of delivery. The luminaire is designed for the use of standard lamps. LED lamps can be used without any problems. The luminaire is equipped with a foot switch. The area to be illuminated can be flexibly adjusted by the head and the joints. The supply cable is approx. 1.8 metres long.