As one of the leading market suppliers in Europe, we offer you a complete and unique range of indoor and outdoor luminaires for living areas and gardens.
Living room lights from Brilliant Interior lights for your home. Every room deserves the perfect lighting - and it can be very different. From the rather functional light in the kitchen or the office, to the decorative lighting fixture with atmospheric light in the...
Outdoor lighting from Brilliant Outdoor lighting for home and garden. The reliable companion when coming home, a cozy light for a summer evening in the garden - outdoor lighting can be so many things. Our range for outdoor lighting offers you a...
Inspiring trend themes Browse through the different concepts and find the perfect lighting for your home. From modern and technical lights to simple products to special materials or fancy vintage lights, you will find simply everything in our assortment.
Die Casto Pendelleuchte mit 5 Flammen vereint modernes Design mit einem Hauch von Vintage-Charme und ist die ideale Wahl für deine Wohnräume. Mit einer Höhe von 150 cm und einer Länge von 93,5 cm fügt sich dieses 5flammige Modell elegant in jede Raumgestaltung ein. Das schwarze Metallgestell verleiht der Leuchte eine zeitgemäße Ästhetik, während die bernsteinfarbenen, geriffelten Gläser eine warme Atmosphäre schaffen. Die E27Fassungen bieten dir die Flexibilität, passende Leuchtmittel zu wählen (nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten). Bei Verwendung geeigneter Leuchtmittel ist diese Leuchte auch dimmbar. Vor der Montage kannst du das Kabel der Casto Pendelleuchte problemlos kürzen, um sie optimal an die Raumhöhe anzupassen. Ob im Wohnzimmer oder Esszimmer - diese Pendelleuchte setzt überall stilvolle Akzente und sorgt für eine angenehme Beleuchtung.
Du suchst nach einer eleganten und modernen Beleuchtungslösung für Deinen Ess- oder Wohnbereich? Dann ist die Cadiz Pendelleuchte mit vier Leuchtenköpfen genau das Richtige für Dich! Diese stilvolle Leuchte kombiniert modernes Design mit praktischen Vorteilen und passt perfekt in jedes zeitgemäße Interieur. Die vier Leuchtenköpfe in modernem, bronze gebürstetem Finish verleihen Deinem Raum eine besondere Note und sorgen gleichzeitig für eine optimale Lichtverteilung. Ob über dem Esstisch, in der Küche oder im Wohnzimmer die Cadiz Pendelleuchte setzt überall stilvolle Akzente.Die Cadiz Pendelleuchte wird mit vier dimmbaren GU10 Leuchtmitteln geliefert, die Dir eine flexible Lichtsteuerung ermöglichen. Mit 5W Leistung pro Leuchtmittel, 350 Lumen und einer Farbtemperatur von 3000K bietet die Leuchte ein angenehmes, warmweißes Licht, das für eine gemütliche Atmosphäre sorgt. Der integrierte Diffusor sorgt dafür, dass das Licht gleichmäßig verteilt wird und nicht blendet, was für eine angenehme Beleuchtung sorgt und Deine Augen schont.Die Montage der Cadiz Pendelleuchte ist einfach und schnell erledigt. Dank des durchdachten Designs lässt sich die Leuchte problemlos an der Decke anbringen. Die Pendellänge ist individuell einstellbar, sodass Du die Leuchte perfekt an Deine Raumhöhe anpassen kannst. Diese Flexibilität macht die Leuchte ideal für verschiedene Raumgrößen und Deckenhöhen.Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die Cadiz Pendelleuchte mit vier Leuchtenköpfen eine hervorragende Wahl für alle ist, die auf der Suche nach einer modernen, energieeffizienten und einfach zu installierenden Beleuchtungslösung sind. Sie kombiniert Stil und Funktionalität auf perfekte Weise und wird Dein Zuhause in ein neues Licht tauchen. Warte nicht länger und bringe mit der Cadiz Pendelleuchte frischen Wind in Deine vier Wände!
Suchst du nach einer stilvollen und eleganten Pendelleuchte, die deinem Wohnraum eine warme und einladende Atmosphäre verleiht? Dann ist diese graue Dreierpendelleuchte mit E27-Fassung und Lampenschirmen aus hochwertigem Cordstoff genau das Richtige für dich!Die Pendelleuchte beeindruckt durch ihr schlichtes und dennoch modernes Design. Die grauen Lampenschirme aus Cordstoff sorgen für eine gemütliche Lichtverteilung und setzen gleichzeitig einen stilvollen Akzent in deinem Raum. Die gerippte Struktur des Cordstoffs verleiht der Leuchte eine besondere Haptik und eine außergewöhnliche Optik, die garantiert alle Blicke auf sich zieht.Diese Pendelleuchte ist nicht nur ein ästhetisches Highlight, sondern auch äußerst funktional. Sie eignet sich perfekt für das Wohnzimmer, Schlafzimmer oder den Essbereich - überall dort, wo du eine stilvolle Beleuchtungslösung benötigst, die sowohl praktisch als auch dekorativ ist.Die E27-Fassung ermöglicht es dir, verschiedenste Leuchtmittel zu verwenden, sodass du die Lichtstimmung ganz nach deinen Wünschen gestalten kannst. Obwohl die Leuchte nicht LED-kompatibel ist, kannst du mit traditionellen Glühlampen eine warme und behagliche Atmosphäre schaffen. Der robuste Aufbau sorgt zudem für Stabilität und Langlebigkeit.Mit ihrem modernen und gleichzeitig zeitlosen Design fügt sich die Pendelleuchte nahtlos in jedes Interieur ein. Ob du ein klassisches oder modernes Interieur bevorzugst, diese Leuchte wird dein Raumkonzept perfekt ergänzen und für ein harmonisches Gesamtbild sorgen.Warte nicht länger und bringe mit dieser Pendelleuchte Licht und Stil in dein Zuhause. Sie ist die perfekte Wahl für alle, die Wert auf Qualität und außergewöhnliches Design legen. Bestelle noch heute und erlebe, wie diese Pendelleuchte dein Wohnambiente bereichert und für wohlige Lichtmomente sorgt.
Die 4-flammige Pendelleuchte Marty bietet eine stilvolle und atmosphärische Beleuchtung für dein Zuhause. Ihr modernes Design kombiniert geschickt klare Linien und sanfte Kurven. Die Leuchte besteht aus hochwertigem Aluminium, ist in elegantem Schwarz gehalten und verfügt über goldfarbene Schirme, die ihr einen luxuriösen Touch verleihen. Ausgestattet mit vier GU10-Fassungen, ermöglicht sie dir die freie Wahl der Leuchtmittel. Ob du warmes, behagliches Licht für entspannte Abende oder helles Licht für detailgenaue Aufgaben bevorzugst, du hast die volle Flexibilität.Die Hängelampe wird mit vier warmweißen Leuchtmitteln geliefert, die jeweils eine Helligkeit von 350 Lumen erzeugen und eine einladende Atmosphäre schaffen. Diese Leuchtmittel sind dimmbar, wenn du einen externen Dimmer verwendest, sodass du die Lichtintensität nach deinen Wünschen anpassen und die ideale Stimmung in deinem Raum erzeugen kannst.Die hochwertigen Stoffkabel unterstreichen die Qualität und das ästhetische Gesamtbild der Lampe. Egal, ob du sie über dem Esstisch, in der Küche oder im Wohnzimmer platzierst, Marty sorgt stets für eine angenehme Beleuchtung und fügt sich harmonisch in verschiedene Einrichtungsstile ein.
Die 4-flammige Pendelleuchte Marty bietet eine stilvolle und atmosphärische Beleuchtung für dein Zuhause. Ihr modernes Design in schlichtem Schwarz gehalten kombiniert geschickt klare Linien und sanfte Kurven. Die Leuchte besteht aus hochwertigem Aluminium und besticht durch ihre elegante Oberfläche. Ausgestattet mit vier GU10Fassungen, ermöglicht sie dir die freie Wahl der Leuchtmittel. Ob du warmes, behagliches Licht für entspannte Abende oder helles Licht für detailgenaue Aufgaben bevorzugst, du hast die freie Auswahl.Die Hängelampe wird mit vier warmweißen Leuchtmitteln geliefert, die jeweils eine Helligkeit von 350 Lumen erzeugen und eine einladende Atmosphäre schaffen. Diese Leuchtmittel sind dimmbar, wenn du einen externen Dimmer verwendest, sodass du die Lichtintensität nach deinen Wünschen anpassen und die ideale Stimmung in deinem Raum erzeugen kannst.Die hochwertigen Stoffkabel unterstreichen die Qualität und das ästhetische Gesamtbild der Lampe. Egal, ob du sie über dem Esstisch, in der Küche oder im Wohnzimmer platzierst, Marty sorgt stets für eine angenehme Beleuchtung und fügt sich harmonisch in verschiedene Einrichtungsstile ein.
Entdecke die Eleganz der Glasini Pendelleuchte, die mit ihrem glamourösen Design ein wahrer Blickfang ist. Mit beeindruckenden Maßen von 199 cm Höhe und 95 cm Breite setzt sie einen beeindruckenden Akzent über Esstischen und größeren Couchtischen und zieht in deinen Räumen wie Wohnzimmer, Esszimmer oder Küche alle Blicke auf sich.Die Pendelleuchte verfügt über fünf Schirme aus Rauchglas, die ein raffiniertes und geschmackvolles Ambiente schaffen. Mit E14-Fassungen ausgestattet hast du die Möglichkeit, die Beleuchtung nach deinen eigenen Vorlieben zu gestalten. Beachte, dass Leuchtmittel nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten sind.Dank ihrer Dimmbarkeit mit einem geeigneten Leuchtmittel und Dimmer kannst du die Helligkeit ganz nach deinen Wünschen anpassen und die perfekte Atmosphäre schaffen.Tauche deine Räume in ein angenehm rauchiges Glühen. Mit der Glasini Pendelleuchte holst du zeitlose Eleganz und modernen Glamour in dein Zuhause. Im Lieferumfang ist sämtliches erforderliches Montagematerial direkt enthalten.
Setze ein Statement in puncto Design und Ästhetik mit der Glasini Pendelleuchte. Die rauchigen Glaskörper verleihen der Leuchte eine zeitlose Eleganz, die in verschiedensten Einrichtungsstilen zur Geltung kommt. Die Pendelleuchte beeindruckt mit einem eindrucksvollen Design, das Eleganz und Moderne vereint. Mit insgesamt acht edlen Rauchglas-Pendeln schafft sie ein faszinierendes Lichtspiel, das deinen Raum in ein atmosphärisches Ambiente taucht. Die Pendelleuchte passt sich flexibel deiner Raumgestaltung an. Mit einer maximalen Länge von 150 cm kannst du die Höhe der acht Pendel ganz nach deinen Wünschen einstellen. So wird Glasini zu einem individuellen Highlight. Die Leuchte wird mit allem benötigten Montagematerial geliefert und ist dank der mitgelieferten Anleitung leicht zu installieren.
The Weald pendant luminaire can be integrated particularly well into your living space. As targeted lighting above the couch or dining table, it also makes a great visual impression. The use of wood creates an appealing combination of nature and functionality. With a length of 90cm, this pendant lamp is particularly qualified for use above larger tables. With an approximate length of 86cm, the cable can be shortened if necessary.The lamp is suitable for use with standard lamps. No illuminants are included in the scope of delivery. Energy-saving LED lamps can also be used. If suitable lamps are used, the luminaire is also dimmable. All necessary mounting material is included in the delivery.
Die Pendelleuchte Darcia lässt sich wunderbar in Ihr Zuhause integrieren. Als zielgerichtete Beleuchtung über dem Couch- oder Esstisch macht sie auch optisch einen super Eindruck. Das Industrial-Design ermöglicht Ihnen kontrastreiche Inszenierungen für ein ausgefallenes Ambiente umzusetzen. Sämtliches Montagematerial liegt der Leuchte bei. Sie können direkt starten.
As an individual design object, pendant luminaires stand out directly in any room. They emit their light directly downwards, making them ideal for use as dining table lighting. The colour grey is often said to be depressing. In practice, however, it proves the opposite. It radiates cosiness and elegance. It is now considered a trend colour. The exquisitely crafted textiles provide a cosy lighting design. The timeless design stands for cosiness and harmony and suits every living ambience.No illuminants are included in the scope of delivery. The luminaire is designed for the use of standard lamps. Energy-saving LED lamps can also be used. The luminaire is dimmable if suitable lamps are used. With a length of 110cm, this pendant light is particularly suitable for use above larger tables. You have the possibility to shorten the cable if necessary. So that you can start right away, all the necessary installation material is included in the scope of delivery.
As an excellent design object, pendant luminaires stand out directly in any room. They emit their light directly downwards, making them ideal as dining table lighting. The high-quality processed textiles ensure a cosy lighting design. The timeless design stands for cosiness and harmony and suits every style of furnishing.Suitable for standard lamps, but no bulbs are included in the scope of delivery. Environmentally friendly LED lamps can also be used. The luminaire is dimmable if suitable lamps are used. With a length of 110cm, this pendant light is particularly suitable for use above larger tables. You have the possibility to shorten the cable if necessary. So that you can start right away, all the necessary installation material is included in the scope of delivery.
Hängeleuchten sind der Blickfang im Raum. Eingesetzt über Esstischen schaffen Sie die perfekte Beleuchtung. Die Leuchte Darcia findet sicher auch einen Platz in Ihrem Zuhause. Mit ihrem industriellen Design bietet Dacia ein sehr auffallendes und wirkungsvolles Design, das das Heim wunderbar aufpeppt, so dass diese Pendelleuchte zum absoluten Blickfang wird. Damit Sie gleich loslegen können ist auch sämtliches erforderliches Montagematerial im Lieferumfang enthalten.
We present to you Avia. The new interpretation of the oldest material wood creates a cosy atmosphere through natural design. The wooden components of this luminaire are FSC-certified and thus come from forests that are managed in a particularly responsible manner. The focus is on environmental protection, preservation of biodiversity and safe working conditions. All necessary installation material is included in the delivery.
Gwen was designed to illuminate. The use of wood creates an appealing combination of nature and functionality. The wood used comes from sustainable forestry and is FSC-certified. This means that the forests from which the processed wood comes are managed more responsibly. Great importance is attached to environmental protection, the preservation of biodiversity and safe working conditions. The necessary assembly material is included with the luminaire.
Pendant lamps are the eye-catcher in every room. They are ideal for lighting above couches and dining tables. But you can also use them as a decorative element in the corners of a room. The use of wood as a material creates a charming combination of nature and functionality. The wood comes from sustainable forestry and is FSC-certified. This seal of the "Forest Stewardship Council" means that the wood used for this lamp comes exclusively from responsibly managed forests. The origin of the material is traceable from the forest to the delivery.The luminaire is designed for the use of standard lamps. Illuminants are not included in the scope of delivery. However, the use of LED lamps is possible. The luminaire is also dimmable if suitable lamps are used. The luminaire comes complete with all the necessary mounting materials.
Pendant luminaires are the eye-catcher in the room. Used above dining tables, they provide targeted light. The Wiley lamp is sure to find a place in your home. With a length of 93 cm, this pendant lamp is particularly suitable for use above larger tables.The luminaire is designed for use with standard lamps. No bulbs are included in the scope of delivery. Environmentally friendly LED lamps can also be used. The luminaire is dimmable if suitable lamps are used. All necessary installation material is included in the scope of delivery.
Pendant luminaires are the eye-catcher in the room. Used above dining tables, they provide targeted light. The Romm lamp is sure to find a place in your home. The wooden components of this lamp are FSC-certified and thus come from forests that are managed in a particularly responsible manner. The focus is on environmental protection, preservation of biodiversity and safe working conditions. Designed from the renewable and therefore environmentally friendly raw material bamboo, create a cosy atmosphere in your living space with this lamp. The natural material has a particularly inviting aura.Designed for standard lamps, no bulbs are included in the scope of delivery. However, it is possible to use LED lamps. The luminaire is also dimmable with the use of appropriate lamps. With a length of 110 cm, this pendant lamp is particularly suitable for use above larger tables. All necessary installation material is already included in the scope of delivery.
As an individual design object, pendant luminaires stand out directly in any room. They emit their light directly downwards, making them ideal for dining table lighting. The excellently crafted textiles ensure a homely lighting design. The classic design stands for cosiness and harmony and suits every style of furnishing. Developed from the renewable and therefore environmentally friendly raw material bamboo, create a cosy atmosphere in your living space with this lamp. The natural material has a particularly homely aura.The lamp is designed for the use of standard lamps. Bulbs are not included in the scope of delivery. However, the use of LED lamps is possible. The luminaire is dimmable if suitable lamps are used. With a length of 125 cm, this pendant light is particularly suitable for use above larger tables. So that you can start right away, all the necessary assembly material is included in the scope of delivery.
Suspended luminaires are the eye-catcher in the room. Used above dining tables, they create a targeted illumination. The Slope lamp is sure to find a place in your home. The first-class processed textiles provide a cosy lighting design. The simple design stands for cosiness and harmony and suits every living ambience. With a length of 115cm, this pendant lamp is particularly suitable for use above larger tables.The lamp is designed for use with standard lamps. Bulbs are not included in the scope of delivery. LED lamps can be used without any problems. The luminaire is dimmable if suitable lamps are used. All necessary installation material is included in the scope of delivery.
Pendant lamps are eye-catchers in any room. They are ideal for lighting above couches and dining tables. But you can also use them stylishly as a decorative element in niches. The use of wood as a material creates an exciting combination of nature and technology. The wooden components of this lamp are FSC-certified and thus come from forests that are managed in a particularly responsible manner. The focus is on environmental protection, preservation of biodiversity and safe working conditions.Bulbs are not included in the scope of delivery. The luminaire is designed for the use of standard lamps. Environmentally friendly LED lamps can also be used. The luminaire is dimmable if suitable lamps are used. With a length of 100 cm, this pendant light is particularly suitable for use above larger tables. So that you can start right away, all the necessary assembly material is included in the scope of delivery.
Pendant luminaires are the eye-catcher in the room. Used above dining tables, they provide targeted light. The Sorana lamp is sure to find a place in your home. This pendant lamp combines nostalgic and modern elements to create a contemporary style of living. "Neo Retro" is the name of the trend that describes the combination of retro and modern design elements. The use of wood as a material creates an attractive combination of nature and functionality. The wood used comes from sustainable forestry and is FSC-certified. This means that the forests from which the processed wood comes are managed more responsibly. Great importance is attached to environmental protection, the preservation of biodiversity and safe working conditions. No illuminants are included in the scope of delivery. The luminaire is designed for the use of standard lamps. However, the use of LED lamps is possible. The luminaire is also dimmable if the appropriate lamps are used. The required installation material is included in the scope of delivery.
The Woodrow pendant lamp can be optimally integrated into your living space. As targeted lighting above the couch or dining table, it also looks good. Designed from the renewable and therefore environmentally friendly raw material bamboo, this lamp creates a cosy atmosphere in any living space. The natural material has a particularly inviting aura. With a length of 105cm, this pendant lamp is particularly suitable for use above larger tables.Designed for standard lamps, no bulbs are included in the delivery. LED lamps can be used without any problems. The luminaire is dimmable if suitable light sources are used. All necessary installation material is already included in the scope of delivery.
Pendant luminaires are the highlight of any room. They are perfect for lighting above couches and dining tables. But you can also use them stylishly as a decorative element in room corners. The processing of the material wood creates an exciting combination of nature and functionality. The wood used comes from sustainable forestry and is FSC-certified. This means that the forests from which the processed wood comes are managed more responsibly. Great importance is attached to environmental protection, the preservation of biodiversity and safe working conditions. The luminaire is designed for the use of standard lamps. Bulbs are not included in the scope of delivery. Environmentally friendly LED lamps can also be used. The luminaire is dimmable if suitable lamps are used. With a length of 100cm, this pendant light is particularly suitable for use above larger tables. All necessary mounting material is already included in the delivery.
The Crosstown pendant luminaire can be integrated perfectly into your living space. As targeted lighting above the couch or dining table, it also cuts a good figure visually. Developed from the renewable and therefore environmentally friendly raw material bamboo, create a cosy atmosphere in any living space with this lamp. The natural material has a particularly homely aura.Designed for standard lamps, however, light bulbs are not included in the scope of delivery. However, the use of LED lamps is possible. The luminaire is dimmable if suitable lamps are used. With a length of 110 cm, this pendant lamp is particularly suitable for use above larger tables. All necessary mounting material is included in the delivery.
Suspended luminaires are the eye-catcher in the room. Used above dining tables, they create the perfect lighting. The Hadan lamp is sure to find a place in your home. Designed for drop lamps, however, light bulbs are not included in the scope of delivery. However, the use of LED lamps is possible. The luminaire is also dimmable when using the appropriate bulbs. The required mounting material is included with the luminaire. You can start directly.
As a decorative design element, pendant luminaires stand out directly in any room. They emit their light directly downwards, making them ideal as dining table lighting.The luminaire is suitable for use with drop lamps. Bulbs are not included in the scope of delivery. However, the use of LED lamps is possible. The luminaire is also dimmable if suitable light sources are used. With a length of 91 cm, this pendant lamp is particularly suitable for use above larger tables. All necessary installation material is included in the delivery.
As an individual design element, pendant luminaires immediately catch the eye in any room. They emit their light directly downwards, making them ideal for dining table lighting.Bulbs are not included in the scope of delivery. The luminaire is designed for the use of standard lamps. LED lamps can be used without any problems. The luminaire is dimmable if suitable lamps are used. With a length of 100 cm, this pendant lamp is particularly suitable for use above larger tables. All necessary mounting material is included in the delivery.
The Hadan pendant lamp can be perfectly integrated into your home. As targeted lighting above the couch or dining table, it also makes a good visual impression. The luminaire is designed for the use of drop lamps. Bulbs are not included in the scope of delivery. Environmentally friendly LED lamps can also be used. The luminaire is dimmable if suitable lamps are used. All mounting material is included with the luminaire. You can start directly.
As an individual design object, pendant luminaires are immediately noticeable in any room. They emit their light directly downwards, making them ideal for dining table lighting.Designed for standard lamps, no light sources are included in the scope of delivery. Environmentally friendly LED lamps can also be used. The luminaire is dimmable if suitable lamps are used. With a length of 105cm, this pendant light is particularly suitable for use above larger tables. All installation material is included with the luminaire. You can start directly.
Suspended luminaires are the eye-catcher in the room. Used above dining tables, they create a targeted illumination. The Cembalo LED lamp is sure to find a place in your home. The stylish design of the pendant luminaire sets harmonious accents in the home. The coffee and brown tones create a warm atmosphere. LED technology makes this luminaire durable and energy-saving. The pendant luminaire radiates homely, warm white light into the room and gives it a cosy flair. The luminaire can be dimmed in 3 steps via a normal wall switch. All necessary installation material is included in the delivery.
Pendant lights are the highlight of any room. They are excellent for lighting above couches and dining tables. But you can also use them stylishly as a decorative element in room corners. The stylish design of the pendant lamp sets harmonious accents in the home. The coffee and brown tones create a warm atmosphere at the same time. With a length of 89cm, this pendant light is especially qualified for use above larger tables.Energy-saving and long-lasting, this light is thanks to the use of LED technology. The pendant luminaire produces a warm white light that has a pleasant effect everywhere. The luminaire can be dimmed in 3 steps via a standard wall switch. So that you can get started right away, all the necessary mounting materials are included in the scope of delivery.
The dimmable Frizzante pendant lamp can be optimally integrated into your living space. As targeted lighting above the couch or dining table, it also makes a good visual impression. LED technology makes this luminaire durable and energy-saving. The pendant luminaire produces a warm white light that has a pleasant effect everywhere. The required mounting material is included with the luminaire.EasyDim technology makes it child's play to dim EasyDim LED luminaires - with the conventional light switch. In EasyDim LED luminaires, the dimmer is already installed and the use of a special wall dimmer is therefore no longer necessary. To dim the light of the switched-on EasyDim LED luminaires, the light switch must be quickly pressed "OFF / ON" and the light is automatically dimmed continuously from 100% to 10%. In addition, EasyDim offers the possibility to select the desired light intensity. To do this, the light switch must be quickly pressed "OFF / ON" during the automatic dimming process from 100% to 10% at the desired brightness and the dimming process is stopped at the current dimming level. When switched on again, EasyDim LED luminaires start with a brightness of 100%.
Suspended luminaires are the eye-catcher in the room. Used above dining tables, they create the perfect lighting. The Relax lamp is sure to find a place in your home. The stylish design of the pendant luminaire sets harmonious accents in the home. The coffee and brown tones create a warm atmosphere at the same time.Suitable for standard lamps, but no bulbs are included in the scope of delivery. Environmentally friendly LED lamps can also be used. The luminaire can also be dimmed if the appropriate lamps are used. The required mounting material is included with the luminaire. You can start right away.
Pendant lights are the highlight of any room. They are very suitable for lighting above couches and dining tables. But you can also use them in a stylish way as a decorative element in the corners of a room.The modern LED luminaire brings light into the darkness in an energy-saving way, because the light-emitting diodes generate a high luminous flux with comparatively low power consumption. The light colour of the pendant luminaire is in the warm white range and contributes to a cosy atmosphere. All necessary installation material is included in the scope of delivery.EasyDim technology makes it child's play to dim EasyDim LED luminaires - with the conventional light switch. In EasyDim LED luminaires, the dimmer is already installed and the use of a special wall dimmer is therefore no longer necessary. To dim the light of the switched-on EasyDim LED luminaires, the light switch must be quickly pressed "OFF / ON" and the light is automatically dimmed continuously from 100% to 10%. In addition, EasyDim offers the possibility to select the desired light intensity. To do this, the light switch must be quickly pressed "OFF / ON" during the automatic dimming process from 100% to 10% at the desired brightness and the dimming process is stopped at the current dimming level. When switched on again, EasyDim LED luminaires start with a brightness of 100%.