As one of the leading market suppliers in Europe, we offer you a complete and unique range of indoor and outdoor luminaires for living areas and gardens.
Living room lights from Brilliant Interior lights for your home. Every room deserves the perfect lighting - and it can be very different. From the rather functional light in the kitchen or the office, to the decorative lighting fixture with atmospheric light in the...
Outdoor lighting from Brilliant Outdoor lighting for home and garden. The reliable companion when coming home, a cozy light for a summer evening in the garden - outdoor lighting can be so many things. Our range for outdoor lighting offers you a...
Inspiring trend themes Browse through the different concepts and find the perfect lighting for your home. From modern and technical lights to simple products to special materials or fancy vintage lights, you will find simply everything in our assortment.
Entdecke die Magua LED Außensockelleuchte eine gelungene Symbiose aus modernem Design, umweltfreundlicher Solar-Technologie und einem intelligenten Bewegungsmelder! In elegantem Schwarz gehalten und mit einem IP44Schutzgrad ausgestattet, präsentiert sich diese Sockelleuchte nicht nur als stilvolle Bereicherung für deine Außenbereiche, sondern bietet auch Sicherheit und Effizienz. Der 120°-Bewegungsmelder macht die Magua LED Außensockelleuchte zu einer cleveren Lösung, die sich automatisch einschaltet, wenn Bewegung erkannt wird. Dadurch erhältst du nicht nur eine bedarfsgerechte Beleuchtung, sondern auch ein Plus an Sicherheit rund um dein Zuhause. Das Solarpanel sorgt für eine umweltfreundliche Energieversorgung, indem es tagsüber Sonnenenergie sammelt und diese nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit in angenehmes Licht verwandelt.
Mit der Sidney Sockelleuchte kannst du deinen Garten oder deine Terrasse in eine einladende Wohlfühloase verwandeln. Die Leuchte mit ihrem eleganten Design überzeugt nicht nur durch ihr Aussehen, sondern auch mit guter Beleuchtung. Die Sockelleuchte ist aus robustem Metall gefertigt und hält mit Schutzart IP44 Wind und Wetter problemlos stand. Der transparente Glasschirm sorgt für eine klare, stimmungsvolle Beleuchtung und dank ihrer neutralen Farbe kann sie in nahezu jedes Ambiente integriert werden. Mit einer Höhe von 48 cm ist sie die perfekte Wahl für stimmungsvolle Lichtakzente im Außenbereich.Die Außenleuchte ist mit einer E27 Fassung ausgestattet und bei Verwendung eines geeigneten Leuchtmittels und eines externen Dimmers ist die Leuchte zudem dimmbar, was dir die Möglichkeit gibt, die Lichtstimmung nach Belieben anzupassen.Gönne dir mit der Sidney Sockelleuchte einen wahren Blickfang für den Außenbereich und genieße auch bei Dunkelheit eine stimmungsvolle Atmosphäre.
Entdecke mit der Alvero LED Außensockelleuchte eine effiziente Lösung für deine Außenbeleuchtung! Mit einer Höhe von 50 cm und in stilvollem Schwarz integriert sich diese Leuchte nahtlos in deinen Outdoor-Bereich. Die SolarTechnologie sorgt für umweltfreundliche Energie, während der Bewegungsmelder für Sicherheit und Komfort steht. Mit IP44-Schutz trotzt sie den Witterungseinflüssen und bietet zuverlässige Beleuchtung im Freien. Die drei einstellbaren Modi ermöglichen eine flexible Anpassung an deine Bedürfnisse. Verleihe deinem Garten, der Terrasse oder dem Eingangsbereich einen modernen Touch und erweitere deine Outdoor-Beleuchtung mit der Alvero LED Außensockelleuchte Qualität, Technologie und zeitloses Design in einem Produkt.
Entdecke die Tulip LED Außensockelleuchte eine gelungene Verbindung von zeitgemäßem Design und fortschrittlicher Technologie für deinen Außenbereich! Mit einer Höhe von 52 cm setzt diese schwarze Sockelleuchte nicht nur ästhetische Akzente, sondern bietet auch innovative Funktionen, um deinen Eingangsbereich oder Garten zu illuminieren. Diese Leuchte nutzt Sonnenenergie effizient, wandelt sie in Strom um und funktioniert unabhängig von konventionellen Stromquellen umweltfreundlich und energieeffizient. Der integrierte Bewegungsmelder schaltet die Leuchte automatisch ein, wenn Bewegung erkannt wird, und sorgt so für ein sicheres und bequemes Ambiente in deinem Außenbereich. Wähle zwischen verschiedenen Modi für optimale Beleuchtung. Ob Standard, energiesparend oder konstantes Licht die Tulip LED Sockelleuchte passt sich deinen Bedürfnissen an. Mit IP44-Schutz trotzt die Tulip Sockelleuchte den Elementen und verleiht deiner Einfahrt, Terrasse oder dem Garten eine moderne Note.
Erschaffe eine einladende Atmosphäre im Freien mit unserer Garvina Außensockelleuchte. Diese moderne und stilvolle Leuchte kombiniert anspruchsvolles Design mit innovativer Technologie, um deinem Außenbereich eine warme und sichere Beleuchtung zu verleihen. Die Außensockelleuchte nutzt leistungsstarke Solarpaneele, um Sonnenenergie effizient zu erfassen und in helles LED-Licht zu verwandeln. Der integrierte Bewegungsmelder sorgt dafür, dass die Leuchte aktiviert wird, wenn sie gebraucht wird, was nicht nur Energie spart, sondern auch die Sicherheit erhöht. Mit einer Höhe von 45 cm ist die Garvina Außensockelleuchte ein elegantes Statement und bietet gleichzeitig eine ideale Beleuchtung für Wege, Eingangsbereiche oder Gartenflächen. Ihr schlankes Design fügt sich harmonisch in die Umgebung ein. Die kabellose Installation macht die Anbringung der Leuchte zum Kinderspiel. Durch die Solar-Technologie entfällt die Notwendigkeit von Stromkabeln, wodurch die Montage stressfrei und unkompliziert wird.
Mit der Außenleuchte Detroit kannst du deinen Garten oder deine Terrasse in eine einladende Wohlfühloase verwandeln. Die Leuchte mit dem zeitlosen Design überzeugt nicht nur durch ihr Aussehen, sondern auch durch ihre hohe Funktionalität. Die Außenleuchte Detroit ist aus robusten Materialien gefertigt und hält Wind und Wetter problemlos stand. Sie ist besonders einfach zu installieren und kann dank ihrer neutralen Farbe in nahezu jedes Ambiente integriert werden. Gönne dir mit der Detroit Außensockelleuchte einen wahren Blickfang für den Außenbereich und genieße auch bei Dunkelheit eine stimmungsvolle Atmosphäre.
We present the Dody socket base. A total of 4 sockets are installed, which can be used for outdoor use. If sockets are needed in the garden, bases with several sockets are very practical. Any devices that need a power connection can be connected there, e.g. outdoor lights, jukeboxes, etc. All mounting material is included with the article. You can start right away.
Made for plinths in the garden, the Dody floor lamp illuminates courtyard entrances and terraces alike. With a height of 0.4m, it is not very tall, but still fulfils its purpose.No lamps are included in the scope of delivery. The luminaire is designed for the use of standard lamps. LED lamps can be used without any problems. The integrated motion detector ensures a clear view in the dark. All necessary mounting materials are included in the scope of delivery.
As a rather small representative of the outdoor floor luminaires, the Dody base luminaire is used on small walls in outdoor areas or terraces. wherever a base is already available, it can be placed without any problems.The luminaire is designed for the use of standard lamps. Bulbs are not included in the scope of delivery. Energy-saving LED lamps can also be used. All the necessary installation material is included with the luminaire.
Made for plinths in the garden, the Getta floor lamp illuminates courtyard entrances and terraces alike. With a height of 0.5m, it is not very tall but still fulfils its purpose. Bulbs are not included in the scope of delivery. The luminaire is designed for the use of standard lamps. LED lamps can be used without any problems. The required mounting material is included in the scope of delivery.
Made for plinths in the garden, the Venlo floor lamp illuminates driveways and patios alike. With a height of 0.5m, it is cute to look at and yet fulfils its task. No bulbs are included in the scope of delivery. The luminaire is designed for the use of standard lamps. However, the use of LED lamps is possible. All mounting material is included in the delivery. You can start right away.
As a rather small representative of the outdoor floor luminaires, the bollard luminaire Aberdeen is used on small walls in the outdoor area or on terraces. it can be easily mounted wherever a base is already available.Bulbs are not included in the scope of delivery. The luminaire is designed for use with standard lamps. However, the use of LED lamps is possible. The necessary mounting material is included in the scope of delivery.
As a rather small representative of the outdoor floor luminaires, the Cabar base luminaire is used on small walls in the outdoor area or terraces. wherever a base is already available, it can be mounted without any problems. Bulbs are not included in the scope of delivery. The luminaire is designed for use with standard lamps. Environmentally friendly LED lamps can also be used. All mounting materials are included with the luminaire. You can start right away.
As a rather small representative of the outdoor floor luminaires, the bollard luminaire Chorus is used on small walls in the outdoor area or on terraces. wherever there is already a base, it can be mounted without any problems.The luminaire is designed for the use of standard lamps. No lamps are included in the scope of delivery. LED lamps can be used without any problems. The motion detector ensures safety at night. All necessary installation material is already included in the scope of delivery.
As a rather small representative of the outdoor floor luminaires, the Janel bollard luminaire is used on small walls in the outdoor area or on terraces. wherever there is already a base, it can be placed without any problems.Suitable for standard lamps, however, no bulbs are included in the scope of delivery. However, LED lamps can be used. All necessary installation material is included in the scope of delivery.
As a rather small representative of the outdoor floor luminaires, the Nissie bollard luminaire is used on small walls in the outdoor area or on terraces. it can be mounted without any problems wherever a base is already available.No lamps are included in the scope of delivery. The luminaire is designed for use with standard lamps. Energy-saving LED lamps can also be used. All necessary installation material is included in the scope of delivery.
As a rather small representative of the outdoor floor luminaires, the Carleen bollard luminaire is used on small walls in the outdoor area or on terraces. wherever there is already a base, it can be placed without any problems.The luminaire is designed for the use of standard lamps. Bulbs are not included in the scope of delivery. LED lamps can be used without any problems. All the necessary installation material is included with the luminaire.
As a rather small representative of the outdoor floor luminaires, the Chorus bollard luminaire is used on small walls outdoors or on terraces. it can be easily installed wherever a base is already available. The integrated socket can be used to operate electrical garden tools.Bulbs are not included in the scope of delivery. The luminaire is designed for the use of standard lamps. Environmentally friendly LED lamps can also be used. So that you can start right away, all the necessary assembly material is already included in the scope of delivery.
Made for plinths in the garden, the Whitney floor lamp illuminates courtyard entrances and patios alike. With a height of 0.6m, it is cute to look at and yet does its job. Bulbs are not included in the scope of delivery. The luminaire is designed for the use of standard lamps. LED lamps can be used without any problems. The necessary installation material is included with the luminaire.
As a rather small representative of the outdoor floor luminaires, the Oskar base luminaire is used on small walls in the outdoor area or on terraces. it can be placed without any problems wherever a base is already available. Designed for standard lamps, however, light bulbs are not included in the scope of delivery. LED lamps can be used without any problems. All necessary mounting material is already included in the scope of delivery.
As a rather small representative of the outdoor floor luminaires, the Bole base luminaire is used on small walls in outdoor areas or terraces. wherever there is already a base, it can be mounted without any problems.Designed for standard lamps, however, light sources are not included in the scope of delivery. However, it is possible to use LED lamps. The integrated motion detector ensures safety and visibility in the dark. The light duration and sensitivity can be adjusted. The decorative LED ring of the luminaire is activated by the twilight switch. This serves as an orientation light. So that you can start right away, all the necessary installation material is included in the scope of delivery.
As a rather small representative of the outdoor floor luminaires, the Avon bollard luminaire is used on small walls in outdoor areas or terraces. wherever a base is already available, it can be mounted without any problems. The integrated LEDs are characterised by low power consumption with high light output. The necessary installation material is included in the scope of delivery.
As a rather small representative of the outdoor floor luminaires, the Avon base luminaire is used on small walls in the outdoor area or terraces. wherever there is already a base, it can be placed without any problems. The long-life LED technology also makes these luminaires energy-saving. All the necessary mounting materials are included in the scope of delivery so that you can start with the installation right away.
As a rather small representative of the outdoor floor luminaires, the bollard luminaire Terrence is used on small walls in the outdoor area or terraces. everywhere where a base is already available, it can be placed without any problems. Suitable for normal lamps, however, no illuminants are included in the scope of delivery. However, it is possible to use LED lamps. So that you can start right away, all the necessary assembly material is already included in the scope of delivery.
Made for plinths in the garden, the Newport floor lamp illuminates driveways and terraces alike. With a height of 0.4m, it is rather a small representative of the floor lamps, but still fulfils its purpose. Bulbs are not included in the scope of delivery. The luminaire is designed for the use of standard lamps. LED lamps can be used without any problems. All necessary installation material is already included in the scope of delivery.
As a rather small representative of the outdoor floor lamps, the bollard luminaire Istria is used on small walls in the outdoor area or on terraces. Suitable for standard lamps, however, light bulbs are not included in the scope of delivery. LED bulbs can be used without any problems. All necessary mounting material is included in the scope of delivery.
Made for outdoor bases, the Chorus floor lamp illuminates courtyard entrances and patios alike. With a height of 0.5m, it is cute to look at and yet fulfils its purpose. Bulbs are not included in the scope of delivery. The luminaire is designed for the use of standard lamps. Energy-saving LED bulbs can also be used. All necessary installation material is included in the delivery.
As a rather small representative of the outdoor floor luminaires, the York bollard luminaire is used on small walls in outdoor areas or terraces. wherever there is already a base, it can be mounted without any problems. Bulbs are not included in the scope of delivery. The luminaire is designed for the use of standard lamps. However, the use of LED lamps is possible. All necessary installation material is already included in the scope of delivery.